Story Link
Story Link connects incarcerated parents, children (KTVB, Channel 7)
Story Link is a program designed to strengthen the bonds between inmates and their children or grandchildren. Inmates who qualify are allowed to select a child’s book provided by the program and to read the book with a short message of love as volunteers record them on a compact disc. The book and the CD are then mailed to the child’s caregiver. This gives families the opportunity to stay connected. It gives children the opportunity to hear their mom’s or dad’s voice each night before they go to bed. Story Link gives HOPE to the prisoners that they will be reunited with their families. Story Link volunteers have become acutely aware of the suffering that children bear being separated from their parent and how grateful these inmates are to have this opportunity. Many voices quiver and tears are often shed as stories are read. Story Link is funded through the generosity of donors and is always in need of dedicated volunteers.
If you are interested in supporting or becoming involved with Story Link, please contact Mary Ann Kojis at or 208-484-5326
What does it take to become a Story Link volunteer?
- IDOC (Idaho Department of Corrections) Orientation- an 8- hour training session annually
- 18 years or older for volunteering at the prison
- Availability to visit and assist offenders at a facility to read and record books to their children on a regular basis (at least 4-5 visits per year).
- A positive attitude towards offenders and department staff, observation of the rules of the prison, and ability to remain flexible when plans at the prison change unexpectedly.
- Donations of money are always needed for postage to send the books and CD’s.
- Donations of new and gently used books for children ages 2-14 years of age, especially Dr. Seuss
All training is provided by Story Link director, Mary Ann Kojis, and staff at IDOC.
Jesus said, “I tell you that whatever you did for me of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40