About St. Mark's

  • Bishop Edward J. Kelly purchased land in 1956 at the corner of Cole and Northview in Boise (where the school is currently located) with a plan to someday establish a new parish.  The first use of this land was the construction of Sacred Heart Mission School by Father James Hallissey.  This Mission School was the first step in forming a new parish from the growing Sacred Heart Parish.
  • This Mission School opened in 1967 with three classrooms for first, second, and third grades. The fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade classrooms were added in the next three years.  The seventh and eighth-grade classrooms and the gymnasium were added later.
  • Bishop Sylvester W. Treinen approved the new parish in June 1970.  Mass for the new parish was held in the Bishop Kelly High School gym until space at the parish school was remolded into a chapel with seating for 300.  During the summer of 1970, the parishioners selected Saint Mark’s as the name of their church.
  • In January 1974, Bishop Treinen appointed Father Raymond Peplinski as pastor at St. Mark’s.
  • Shortly after Father Peplinski’s arrival, the Parish Board appointed a building committee to plan for the construction of a new church and rectory.  The first Mass in the new church was held at midnight, on Christmas Eve, 1975.
  • Father Peplinski retired from St. Mark’s in June of 1986.  Bishop Treinen then appointed Father John F. Donoghue as the pastor at St. Mark’s.
  • Father John Donoghue served the Parish until his retirement in 1998.  Under his leadership and guidance, the Parish purchased a new residence for the priests, the rectory was converted into Parish Offices, a new Cry Room was added and a Shrine for the Tabernacle was completed.  Father Len MacMillan and Father Steve Rukavina were appointed as St. Mark’s Pastoral Team in 1998.  Father Paul Materu served for one year with Father Steve from 2003 to 2004.
  • After years of planning, St. Mark’s purchased the building then used by Treasure Valley Bible Church with the intention of building a new sanctuary on the large lot.  Our new Church building was finally completed in January 2004.   
  • Father Steve served as our pastor until 2013.
  • Father Ben Uhlenkott was appointed to our parish and served as Pastor from 2013-2022. He moved to Risen Christ on May 1st, 2022.
  • Father Adrian Leszko was Parochial Vicar from 2021-2024. We were happy to be a part of his preparation to become a Pastor in Salmon, Idaho.
  • Father Paul O'Donnell served as Pastor from July 2022 - July 2024.
  • We celebrated our 20th Anniversary on January 21st, 2024! We opened the time capsule and served everyone lunch! We fundraised for a new Reredo (altar piece), HVAC system, restriped the parking lot, and other capital expenses. Our St. Mark's community is SO generous! 
  • Father John Mosier is currently serving as Pastor and Father Paul O'Donnell is our Senior Priest.