Catholic Voting Guide


UNITED IN PRAYER - Join us Monday, November 2nd for a prayer service. We will gather to pray for our country, our leaders, peace, and unity. 5:30pm Mass, 6:30-8:00pm: prayer service to include a Rosary and sung Divine Mercy Chaplet *no political discourse or apparel please*


We will continue praying for peace and unity on election day, November 3rd, with Adoration in the Church from 8:30am-8:00pm.

"In the Lord’s Prayer, we petition, 'Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' The Gospel message does indeed draw us ultimately to eternal life on high with the Lord, but it also has real-world implications here below. If we Catholics don’t involve ourselves in the political process, as messy as that often is, we permit Catholic social teaching to remain a set of harmless abstractions."  -Bishop Robert Barron

"Voting Your Conscience" 

Before you vote your conscience, you must first make sure your conscience is properly formed. READ this from the USCCB on how to do so.

Here's what the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' has to say on voting: READ Article Here or click the image below