GPS - Give, Pray, Serve


Dear Friends,

Can you remember the days of taking a paper map out of the glove compartment in the car and trying to find your way to a destination? Many times this would cause frustration, it could be difficult to find your way. Today, I am most grateful for the map apps on my phone that guide me to where I nee5lfdunfsz66r1sx3klz9uf8t31l.jpgd to go. Even if I miss a turn, the word “recalculating” is announced as the app gives me a new route to help me find my way. I am thankful for this!

Our faith journey might be similar. As we grow in our faith we may find ourselves moving forward, then, at times, our lives seem to take a turn and we are left feeling lost or confused. As we try to find our way out of feeling lost we need help in “recalculating” our path, we need direction to help us get on the path where we need to go. It happens to us all.

St. Mark’s is our place where we encounter God and resources that help us examine where God is found in our lives. Here, we are called to check relationships as we prayerfully consider where God may be calling us to go. God’s saving love finds us where we often don’t think it can exist.

As we set our course for 2019, using our spiritual GPS, I invite each of us to examine our path, to pray about how our Encounter with Christ might lead us to reestablish or recalculate our direction and to commit to Giving, Praying and Serving (GPS) which will certainly deepen each of us in the living body of Christ.

Yours in Giving, Praying and Serving,

Father Ben Uhlenkott, Pastor

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